
April 12, 2009

Sometimes a thing rears up that is far too hard when all you want to do is let it all wash over you. There’s nothing wrong with that attitude, but apathy butters no parsnips. Take matters in hand now and you should be able to relax later with a smile on your face.

Fate is considering a move to the country.
Luck is glowering and suggesting Israel.
Don’t Forget: Honey is just congealed bee spit.


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Words of Wisdom

A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores.

— Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant

Top Tip!

  • Denture Fitting

    We have had to remind our members that it is not only bad form, but also unwise to appropriate dentures belonging to others. As Miss Radcliffe so tragically discovered, a correct fit is essential since loose devices can lead to accidental tonsillectomy.