Featured Tip

Wardrobe Malfunctions

Recent casualties have brought to our attention that users of the “Wilberforce Patent Double-Gusset and Splashback” should remember said items are perishable and should be regularly replaced in order to avoid whiplash.


Random Tips

Health Warning

The current condition of Miss Barleycombe reminds us of some advice that should serve future generations well: do not drink Dettol.

Stained Steel

Baby oil is excellent for cleaning brushed stainless steel. However it is not advisable to squeeze it from your neighbours’ babies. Instead choose one from a few streets away so no suspicion falls on you.

An Urgent Word of Warning

The pending cases against Miss Totteridge remind us that, due to the enactment of various homicide acts, it is categorically not legal to shoot a Welshman with a bow and arrow on a Sunday in any city.


Ms. Zimmer insists on us recommending cucumbers. She indicates that they are exceedingly effective but has not yet elaborated how.

Dealing with Heavy Soiling

To remove heavy soiling, coat the offending area with melted chocolate and inform the local children that the item is sheet chocolate. Once the chocolate has been sucked out the item should be clean and can be washed as normal.

Words of Wisdom

Pets are always a great help in times of stress. And in times of starvation too.

— Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Top Tip!

  • A Fundraising Tip

    In these straitened times, always remember there’s probably someone on the internet prepared to buy a second-hand pair of pants which have perished at the gusset.