The Hackney Marsh Debacle of 2002

To: Marjorie Bathsheba Catheter Jodrell-Bentley

Subject: Those were the days

I am pleased that Aunt Enid is still in her accustomed position – even if it is spread-eagled over a carburettor – and I think you are probably most wise to keep your silence on this matter. Heaven knows what damage she could do were she to be liberated from her home.

Miss Ovid is, of course, sadly missed although it must be said that her later years were rather distressing for all concerned. My most vivid memory from her final weeks is the solo rendition of “Three Little Maids from School” which only served to confirm my private feeling that she was suffering from acute schizophrenia.

Mind you I was quite impressed by the way she single-handedly managed the tri-part harmonies.

It seems that plans are now well in hand and require very little attention. Might I suggest we meet on the concourse of Liverpool Street Station? Since this is where we met for our trip to the sanatorium I feel this is a sensible location.

I look forward to seeing you there on Saturday.


Words of Wisdom

Don’t put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That’s why they’re called revolutions.

— Terry Pratchett, Night Watch

Top Tip!

  • Negotiated Congress

    Ms Zimmer has offered us some advice regarding negotiated congress which, although she is amply qualified, we have had to decline since her qualifications expired some time ago. (Indeed, due to the Trade Descriptions Act she now has to offer the promise of “a horrible time”.)